Jim Shockey & Eva Shockey hunting with Jofie Lamprecht Safaris in Namibia

Watch as Jim Shockey & Eva Shockey hunt with Jofie Lamprecht Safaris in Namibia.

They hunt with both Jofie Lamprecht and JLS PH Dian Jacobs.

Jofie hunts Springbuck with them in Damaraland and Dian hunts Kudu with Eva in one of the exclusive JLS hunting areas.

Eva also takes some time out from hunting at a Luxury Lodge & Spa.

Watch as Jim Shockey & Eva Shockey hunt with Jofie Lamprecht Safaris in Namibia. They hunt with both Jofie Lamprecht and JLS PH Dian Jacobs. Jofie hunts Springbuck with them
Find' ich gut!


Veröffentlicht am 12. Juli 2015


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