Härkila Pro Hunter Wild Boar

Dealing with a charging wild boar takes more than good reflexes.

Visit https://wildboar.harkila.com

Introducing the Pro Hunter Wild Boar suit

Wild boar hunting demands a lot of your hunting clothes. You might have to go through the dense brush and from one second to the next, you could be facing a 150 kg unpredictable beast armed with razor sharp tusks.

That’s why we’ve designed the Pro Hunter Wild Boar suit. It’s the toughest hunting suit in the field with innovative, high-tech protection where it counts. Comfortable, lightweight, water-proof and breathable as well, it’s the ultimate match for a wild challenge.

Dealing with a charging wild boar takes more than good reflexes. Visit https://wildboar.harkila.com -- Introducing the Pro Hunter Wild Boar suit Wild boar hunting demands a lot of your hunting
Find' ich gut!
Veröffentlicht am 13. September 2016


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