"First Crack": An Epic 3 Days of Snow Goose Hunting in Arkansas - Fowled Reality

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►Brand new epic snow goose video with Willow Creek Waterfowl: http://bit.ly/2qo1cTa

The recipe for good snow goose hunting includes warmth, wind, and sun. We were fortunate to have all three for the first 3 days of the Arkansas Conservation Season!

The huge numbers of geese in the area were picking wheat fields to the dirt. A local farmer had shot at them to get them out of his fields numerous times, but they kept coming back. This first morning had us setup in one of his fields and we had a great morning hunt until geese started landing in the field next to us.

On the second day, we moved a few miles down the road to another wheat field that the farmer had been trying to keep them out of. The geese were using the edge of the field near a ditch. This gave us an ideal hide that allowed us to utilize not only the wheat field, but also rice on the other side of the ditch.

Getting to hunt the first three days of the season and the fantastic weather lead to a great hunt. We were under numerous tornados and and shot a ton of snow geese!

Visit www.fowledreality.com for all of our videos, product reviews, and up to date waterfowl migration reports.

Want migration updates, new videos, and waterfowl news sent to your inbox? ► Subscribe: http://bit.ly/2eSnx73 ►Brand new epic snow goose video with Willow Creek Waterfowl: http://bit.ly/2qo1cTa The recipe for good
Find' ich gut!



Veröffentlicht am 18. März 2016


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