Roebuck Stalking: The Essentials

As spring has sprung across the UK, eager outdoorsmen and women are getting ready for a roebuck stalking adventure. Before heading into the wild, you need to have the best equipment to hand. To help with this Ian Harford is sharing his roebuck stalking essentials.

Welcome to the Great British Shooting on Team Wild TV.

The start of roebuck season brings in warmer weather and lots of new growth to the surrounding habits. It is the ideal time to head out and spend as much time amongst nature as possible. However, before your first outing of the year, you need the correct equipment. To achieve the results you need to know your gear inside and out.

Every piece of Ian’s hunting equipment has been carefully thought-out and chosen to accomplish the best results for the specific function.

Ian has a mixture of old and new products that are ideal for the roebuck shooting season. Every piece of hunting equipment has been carefully chosen for a specific function.

“My advice would be to keep practicing. It’s all about familiarity, spend a lot of time working with your equipment, go to your local shooting range, and get accustomed to deploying your rifle from your backpack. The more familiar you are and the more second nature using your equipment becomes, the more likely you are to take advantage if a shot presents itself.” - Ian Harford

Next time on Great British Shooting, we’re Roebuck Stalking in Hampshire.

Great British Shooting is proudly sponsored by

Realtree Global -

Deerhunter Clothing -

Hawke Optics –

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As spring has sprung across the UK, eager outdoorsmen and women are getting ready for a roebuck stalking adventure. Before heading into the wild, you need to have the best


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