Dall Sheep Hunting with Nahanni Butte Outfitters: The Last Hunt

KUIU's Jason Hairston and Brendan Burns travel to the Northwest Territories to hunt Dall Sheep with Nahanni Butte Outfitters. See the last hunt in a region becoming a national park, and watch as two fantastic rams are taken in unprecedented detail.

Shop the Dall Sheep Hunting Gear List: https://www.kuiu.com/shop/shop-by-hunt/sheep-hunting-gear-list/

More Dall sheep hunting gear list tips: https://www.kuiu.com/learn/hunting-tips/alaska-dall-sheep-hunting-success-and-gear-overview/

KUIU's Jason Hairston and Brendan Burns travel to the Northwest Territories to hunt Dall Sheep with Nahanni Butte Outfitters. See the last hunt in a region becoming a national park,
Find' ich gut!


Veröffentlicht am 3. August 2016


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