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2014 HFT | Smoke & Feathers
Von Dreispross Kanal am 3. Dezember 2015

Film Overview
In an increasingly complex world where people struggle to identify with their passions, Jim Guffey of Perry, Kansas is the exception. As a conservationist, an ecologist, a traditionalist, a father, and of course a duck hunter, Jim has refined his love for the outdoors into a simple two part formula: Smoke and Feathers.

Production Company
Rockhouse Motion is a creative collective with roots set deep in the outdoor world. While work has led to an ever-broadening array of professional assignments, the Rockhouse team still craves the opportunity to experience the intoxicating majesty of nature in its purist form, and tell the stories that take place in this grandest of arenas.


Dreispross Kanal
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