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🎉   Geartester Festival     23.-25. August 2024   🎉
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SITKA: Smoke & Feathers
Von Finn Förster am 21. März 2015

In an increasingly complex world where people struggle to identify with their passions, Jim Guffey of Perry, Kansas is the exception. As a conservationist, an ecologist, a traditionalist, a father, and of course a duck hunter, Jim has refined his love for the outdoors into a simple two part formula: Smoke & Feathers.

A story about nature, nurture, and the value of the moment, Jim's love for ducks and life inspired us at Rockhouse to tell his story in this film. A winner of the Excellence in Outdoor Cinematography Award at the South Dakota Film Festival, this piece hopefully transcends the outdoor space and serves as a reminder to us all the power we have to leave a positive legacy for ourselves, our family, and the world around us. Hunting Film Tour


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