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Stalking red deer during the rut - Rykowisko 2015 - Hirschjagd in Polen
Von Finn Förster am 22. September 2015

Took couple of days off for the rut. Seen several nice stags, but shot an older cull stag, that I still considered as a nice trophy. I did not take any of the bigger master stags as I was not sure their age.
It was filmed in Poland and here probably should come some explanation as why I took this stag and not the other.
In this country all stalkers have to follow selective shooting and every trophy is scored after the season. The stags (fallow bucks, roebucks too..) have to be shot according to permit given and follow certain criteria. otherwise there are some consequences, such as ban for another two years...
For example, a medal head stag has to be over 11yo. 8..11yo should be below 5.5kg net weight, etc. Criteria are quite complex and aging deer is never easy...
I took a stag I knew was over 8yo and unlikely to be above 5.5kg, but in this area most of the stags are medal class and most I saw I think were quite young.
Please comment if you think and other stag was good to take and why.
Hope you enjoy it, thanks for watching.

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Dostałem przepustkę z domu na kilka dni urlopu w rykowisko. Widziałem kilka ładnych byków, ale nie byłem do końca przekonany co do wieku, więc wybrałem takiego co na pewno ma więcej jak 8-lat, ale raczej nie powinien przekroczyć 5.5kg.
W tym rejonie ciężko o selekta, duże byki medalowe, ale chyba te co spotkałem nie miały 11 lat.
Proszę o komentaż jeżeli myślisz widzu, że któryś jeszcze się nadawał do strzału, chętnie poznam Twoją opnię!
Dzięki za oglądanie, mam nadzieję, że się spodoba.

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