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Fieldsports Britain - Roebuck stalking / hunting special (episode 140)
Von Jan Hüffmeier am 21. März 2015

It's the roebuck rut and this is our roebuck special with no less than four outings after Britain's best-looking deer. Roy Lupton is off to the roebuck heartland of Hampshire, where he hopes that muggy weather will be enough to get the bucks into the open. Simon Barr from Realtree is not far away with stalker Trevor Hughes, and he is trying out a new range of 'odourless' clothing. Roe deer are the European cousins of the American whitetail deer. Now is the time to get on top of these bucks as they start behaving like teens at a school dance. That's not all in this week's show. If you are feeling all roe'd out, top shooters Dom Holtam and Andy the Crowman Crow are pike fishing in Kent. Then there are the regulas: News Stump, Calendar, Kit Special and Hunting YouTube. Settle down, pour yourself something drinkable and enjoy this week's Fieldsports Britain...


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